A message from St. Joseph’s Foundation Past Chair, William Elliott, about who the Foundation are and what they do:
“The St. Joseph’s Foundation (SJFound) of Elliot Lake is a registered charitable organization created by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie. The goal of SJFound is to improve patient care and patient comfort at St. Joseph’s General Hospital Elliot Lake, the St. Joseph’s Manor, and the Oaks Treatment Centre. SJFound is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and functions with a part-time clerical person and assistance from hospital administration. The main purpose of SJFound is to raise funds that can then be allocated to various capital projects to augment the hospital’s operating budget. In recent years, the foundation has completed fundraising for the purchase and installation of a CT scanner, and the replacement of all 54 beds at the hospital. This is in addition to numerous smaller purchases that have been requested by hospital staff recommended by patients and their families.
The foundation accepts donations in many forms – cash, credit card, cheque, bequests, endowments, stock transfers, etc., etc. – and all donations, know matter how large or small, receive a tax receipt for income tax purposes. On-line donations can be received via Canada Helps at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/st-josephs-foundation-of-elliot-lake and on-line donations allow for the immediate download of the charitable receipt. The Foundation is also currently running an on-line monthly 50/50 draw https://www.sjhfound5050.ca that allows any Ontario resident to support SJFound and have the chance to win a cash prize. The traditional ‘Tree of Lights’ campaign, based around the Christmas holiday season, is another popular vehicle for donors to recognize their families, loved ones, friends and relatives by purchasing a ‘light’ on the Christmas tree outside the hospital.(click here to see this year’s donors)
Donors have the option of specifying where their donation is applied: the hospital, Manor, Oaks, area of greatest need, special fundraising campaign, etc., and the Foundation will ensure that these requests are honoured.
The Board is always looking for community minded individuals with an interest in health care to become Directors. Directors serve a one-year term and may serve up to 12 consecutive terms. While not time consuming, the work of the Directors is nonetheless critically important to ensure that the Foundation has strong, clear direction and is fulfilling its charitable goals. If anyone feel like this could be an opportunity for them to give back to the community, they should email the SJFound more information.”
Members of the Leadership Team are:
- Sister Bonnie MacLellan, General Superior
- Sister Marlene Roy, Assistant General Superior
- Sister Bonnie Chesser
- Sister Mary Jo Radey
- Sister Cecily Hewitt
For more information on how to support the Foundation please visit our Donate/Ways to Give page or visit the St. Joseph’s Foundation of Elliot Lake website at https://www.sjhfound.com.
St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation 50/50 Monthly Lottery
The most recent fundraising endeavour of the Foundation is the 50/50 Monthly Lottery which will help to purchase new medical equipment, update furnishings to increase comfortability and accessibility for patients, and to improve health care services in the North.