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Infection control

Hand Hygiene

Health professionals washing hands

Visitors are very important to our patients and their well-being. You have a critical role in preventing infections. We ask you to follow these guidelines to reduce the spread of germs! If someone leaves a patient’s room without practicing hand hygiene, germs can be left on doorknobs, waiting room chairs, or on any object that is touched. This can make germs available to be carried to another patient.

Everyone should clean their hands:

  • before and after touching a patient,
  • before and after eating,
  • when your hands are visibly soiled,
  • after using the bathroom,
  • after coughing or sneezing.

What are the choices for cleaning hands?

Alcohol-based hand rubs are available throughout the hospital. After cleaning, make sure your hands are dry before you touch anything. This is very important when you use the hand rub.

If your hands are visibly soiled, you will need to use soap and water. Cleaning your hands takes 15 seconds. Make sure you cover all surfaces. If you are using soap and water, don’t forget to use a paper towel to turn off the taps.

What is SJGHEL doing?

SJGHEL runs a hand hygiene program in our Hospital which includes:

  • alcohol-based hand sanitizers are available throughout our Hospital,
  • hand hygiene education materials for all patients and visitors,

The primary concern at SJGHEL is always the health and well-being of the patients. SJGHEL is safe and continues to implement measures to make it safer.

What is Hand Hygiene Compliance?

Hand Hygiene compliance rates are reported annually, and calculated based on compliance to the four moments of hand hygiene: 

  1. Before initial patient/patient environment contact.
  2. Before aseptic procedure.
  3. After body fluid exposure risk.
  4. After patient/patient environment contact.
1. Before initial patient/patient environment contact. 2. Before aseptic procedure. 3. After body fluid exposure risk. 4. After patient/patient environment contact.


Each year, you will find hand hygiene compliance rates for SJGHEL posted on our website as required by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Included in the data is: 

  • Hand hygiene compliance rates before initial contact with the patient/patient’s environment for all health care providers.
  • Hand hygiene compliance rates after contact with the patient/patient’s environment for all health care providers.

Hand hygiene is a key issue for our Hospital, and we continually work to improve compliance. Hand hygiene audits are performed monthly, and results are posted and shared with staff. On the spot feedback is used to improve individual compliance.