There are other services that do not require referral but may be involved in a patient’s discharge, such as Veterans’ Affairs Canada, or information that may be provided, such as how to access the foodbank or crisis services. This process is patient-centred and focusses on the needs of each individual.
It is important to remember that a change in health status requiring further investigations, treatments, or wait times for certain assessments may impact Discharge Planning timelines. These changes will be communicated with the patient or their Secondary Decision Maker or Power of Attorney. We understand these delays may be frustrating and the care team will continue to provide required support in our Hospital, including ongoing Discharge Planning to ensure plans continue to reflect the patient’s care needs or are modified as required.
Additionally, all referrals require consent from the patient or their Secondary Decision Maker or Power of Attorney (if the patient is not able to provide consent). Services that the care team identify as beneficial will be discussed, as well as potential risks, if the patient or their Secondary Decision Maker or Power of Attorney declines referral for these services. Though we empathize with wanting to ensure a loved one receives the utmost support available, self-determination and autonomy must be respected. Contact information for services can be provided upon discharge to consider self-referral in the future if interested.
For more information on Discharge Planning:
Social Worker
(705) 848-7181 ext. 2340