Diabetes Education
How to Register with SJGHEL’s Diabetes Education and Care Program
There are two ways to register:
1. Ask your Physician, Nurse Practitioner or other Health Care Professional (Pharmacist, etc.) to send a referral by fax: 705-848-9006. Our secretary will contact you to schedule an appointment at a convenient day and time for you.
2. You can refer yourself by calling 705-848-7182 ext. 2463. Our secretary will obtain some information to complete the referral form. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment at a convenient day and time for you.
Appointment Registration
- If you never attended our Hospital, you will need to come 15 minutes early to register with the Admitting Department. You will need need to bring your Health Card. They will provide you with a yellow form and stickers that you will bring to us.
- If you have attended our Hospital in the past, for any reason, it means you are registered in our system. You do not need to come early as we will pre-register you for your appointment. In this case, you can come directly to our office.
From SJGEHL’s main entrance/front doors you will turn right, walk down the long hall to the elevators. Our office is located on the 2nd Floor, Room 220. Immediately across the hall is the Secretary’s Office. There are chairs for you to sit comfortably while waiting. You are welcome to bring a family member or friend with you (subject to any active visitor restrictions).
Whether you are newly diagnosed or new to our program in Elliot Lake, be ready for an extended first visit. We’re going to get to know you!
We will discuss your medical history, your health, lifestyle and nutrition habits. We want to know what’s working and where you have challenges managing your diabetes. You will leave with a treatment plan that you design along with your Educator, as well as a date/time for your next appointment.
For all appointments, bring your blood glucose meter and logbook if you have one. If you do not test your blood sugars often, we ask that you take a few tests the week prior to your appointment at different meals.
Note: if you do not have a glucometer, please advise the Secretary when she calls to schedule an appointment.
We will contact your Pharmacy to obtain a current list of your medications.