Alternate Level of Care/Financial Information
When a patient is occupying a bed in the hospital and does not require the intensity of resources and services provided in the care setting, the patient is designated Alternate Level of Care (ALC). The designation is based on the following criteria:
- Patient is medically stable
- Patient’s care goals have been met/have reached plateau/has reached optimal potential in recovery
- All treatments and investigations that care be delivered in this care setting are completed
- Patient is well enough to be discharged from the hospital if appropriate services or care settings were available
Ministry of Health policy permits hospitals to charge a co-payment fee for patients who require chronic care and are “more or less permanent residents of the hospital.” This includes patients who have been designated ALC and are waiting in the hospital for long-term care home transfer. The co-payment fee changes annually and is not charged for patient care, rather it is intended to cover the cost of food and accommodations. This co-payment fee is aligned with the co-payment fee charged to residents of long-term care homes. The co-payment fee can be reduced if not realistic for a patient’s financial situation. To calculate this reduced rate, Accounts Receivable will require a copy of the patient’s most recent Notice of Assessment which is provided with yearly tax documents or can be requested from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Contact Accounts Receivable:
(705) 848-7181 ext. 2422
Contact Social Work:
(705) 848-7181 ext. 2340