Your admission to Hospital may occur from various situations including:
- an Emergency visit,
- after surgery, or
- after a visit with your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner
Once admitted to the Hospital, you will be brought to your room and the Nurse will ask you questions about your current health and medical conditions, take vitals signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature) and do a physical assessment.
All patients admitted to our Hospital are asked if they have a living will that documents their preferences for resuscitation. Resuscitation measures are performed if your heart or breathing should stop while you are in the Hospital.
Resuscitation measures may include:
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
- Electric shocks to the heart.
- Use of certain drugs.
- Use of ventilator ( breathing life support)
It is routine to ask you about resuscitation, even when you are at SJGHEL for minor problems and are otherwise healthy. It does not always mean you are seriously ill.
During your admission, your family Doctor will look after you. If your family Doctor is unavailable or you do not have a family Doctor, a Doctor is assigned to look after you.
Each day and night, a Nurse will be assigned to look after you. Most patient rooms have a communication white board and the Nurse will update this regularly with the Nurse’s name, the Doctor’s name and any information important for you and your health care team to know.
When your health care needs have been met, your Doctor will let you know you can go home. Your Nurse and sometimes other members of the Health Care Team will help you make arrangements to go home. They will provide all the information you require for discharge.
Discharge occurs at SJGHEL before 11:00 a.m. for most patients. Prior to leaving the Hospital, please ensure that you have all your personal belongings, Health Card, as well as discharge instructions and any prescriptions provided.
It is important that you understand all instructions about your medication, diet, activity, and any follow up appointments. If you are unsure about what you need to do at home, ask your Doctor or Nurse before you leave the Hospital.