When patients register to the Emergency Department at SJGHEL, The Registered Nurse uses a process called Triage to determine who needs to be seen first. This means that we assess and evaluate the severity of patient symptoms based on the national standard guidelines of the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale, rather than take patients on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
We understand this can be frustrating for those who have waited a long time or see others go into the Emergency Department before them. However, using Triage is standard practice to provide the safest and most efficient way of seeing and treating Emergency Department patients. Triage ensures those that are critically ill or injured receive attention before the less ill or injured patient. Triage also assists in effective use of resources such as what kind of room or provider of care is required.
The assignment of one of five triage levels is based on many factors and is done in the Triage office or in the Emergency Department after hours. This image shows the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale levels.

Check out our “Coming to Emerg” page for things you should consider when attending our Emergency Department.
- The Hospital
- Ambulatory Care
- Infusion Clinic
- Oncology
- Clinical Dietician
- Continuing Care Unit
- Diabetes Education Program
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Discharge Planning
- Emergency Department
- Finance
- General Surgery
- Hospice Suite
- Human Resources
- Infection Prevention & Control
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Laboratory
- Medical Records
- Medical Surgical
- Obstetrics
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Palliative Care
- Physiotherapy
- Social Work
- Spiritual and Religious Care
- Visiting Specialists